Advocacy Agencies
There are currently 33 funded disability advocacy organisations operating in Victoria. Organisations are funded variously by the Victorian Office for Disability’s advocacy program, the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) operated through the Department of Social Services (DSS), and state and federal justice departments.
Using Ask Izzy to find a Disability Advocate:
People with disability who need someone to speak up for them can use Ask Izzy to search for independent Disability Advocacy providers in their area. These services provide access to professionals who can ensure the choices and rights of people with disability are respected and they are being treated fairly. Disability Advocacy Finder | Ask Izzy
For more information on NDIS view the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) website.
For more information on the DHHS view the DHHS Victorian advocacy website.
North East Citizen Advocacy (NECA)
Office: | 56 Gabonia Ave, Watsonia South VIC 3087 |
Postal Address: | PO Box 251, Heidleberg VIC 3087 |
Phone/fax: | 03 8407 3684 |
Mobile: | 0412 099 597 |
Email: | neca@citizenadvocacy.com.au |
Web: | www.citizenadvocacy.com.au |
Operates in Cities of Banyule, Darebin, Whittlesea and Shire of Nillumbik
Citizen Advocacy Sunbury & Districts
Office: | 536 Macedon St, Sunbury VIC 3429 |
Postal Address: | PO Box 420, Sunbury VIC 3429 |
Phone: | 03 9744 7378 |
Mobile: | 0408 178 614 |
Email: | casunbury1@bigpond.com |
Operates in City of Hume and part of Shire of Macedon Ranges
Gippsland Disability Advocacy
Office: | 58-60 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 |
Postal Address: | PO Box 409, Morwell VIC 3840 |
Phone: | 03 5133 9440 |
Email: | gippsadv@bigpond.com |
Operates in Gippsland
Southern Disability Advocacy
Postal Address: | PO Box 161, Bentleigh VIC 3204 |
Phone: | 03 9533 5977 |
Email: | info@southernda.org.au |
Operates in Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston, Port Phillip and Stonnington
The Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability Inc. (VALID)
VALID provides individual advocacy support to adults with an intellectual disability and their families. VALID also provides systemic advocacy which informs and influences the policies and practices of disability service agencies, governments and the broader community.
Office: | 235 Napier Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065 |
Phone: | 03 9416 4003 |
Freecall: | 1800 655 570 (Rural Victoria only) |
Email: | office@valid.org.au |
Web: | www.valid.org.au |
Disability Justice Advocacy (DJA)
DJA provides advocacy support to people who have high support needs as a result of a physical or multiple disabilities.
Office: | 86 Herbert Street, Northcote VIC 3070 |
Freecall: | 1800 808 126 |
Phone: | 03 9481 7022 |
Email: | info@justadvocacy.com |
Web: | www.justadvocacy.com |
Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU)
SARU supports Victorian Self Advocacy Groups that a run by and for people with intellectual disability, people with an acquired brain injury and people with complex communication support needs.
Office: Ross House, 247 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 03 9639 6856
Email: saru@rosshouse.org.au
Web: http://saru.net.au
Rainbow Inclusion
For LGBTIQA+ people with disability
Web: https://rainbowinclusion.org.au
Rainbow Rights and Advocacy
Rainbow Rights is a self advocacy group run by and for people with intellectual disabilities and who identify as LGBTIQA+.
Office: Ross House, 247 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 0490 825 094
Web: https://rainbowrights.com.au
Disability Services Commissioner
The Commissioner is independent of government, the Department of Human Services and disability service providers and provides a free confidential and supportive complaints resolution process.
Office: | Level 30, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 |
Freecall: | 1800 677 342 |
Phone: | 1300 728 187 (local call) |
TTY: | 1300 726 563 |
Email: | complaints@odsc.vic.gov.au |
Web: | www.odsc.vic.gov.au |
Click to view MEDA’s complaints and disputes policy.