You can get advocacy support if:
- You are 18 years or over with intellectual disability.
- You want somebody to stand by your side to feel heard or to resolve an issue.
- You want an independent advocate or a volunteer citizen advocate to help you.
- You live in the local community (in one of these five municipalities – Boroondara, Manningham, Monash, Whitehorse and Maroondah)

These municipalities include suburbs:
Ashburton Bayswater North Camberwell |
Canterbury Croydon Croydon Hills Croydon North Croydon South
Heathmont Hawthorn East Kilsyth South |
Oakleigh South Ringwood Ringwood East Ringwood North Warranwood |
Melbourne East Disability Advocacy is committed to standing up for the rights of people with intellectual disability. This includes people with intellectual disability who are also:
- Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander
- Part of the LGBTIQA+ community
- From a culturally diverse or non-english speaking background

Click to read about what support is available.